

Are you looking for tria blue light a cystic acne, can blue light therapy be used during pregnancy, but does tria blue light work on cystic acne ?  The blue light treatment for acne is a modern concept. Everyone prefers a life without acne but concepts that are mostly unknown and new are hard to accept. Can light really cure acne? In this method of treatment of certain parts of your body, face and exposed areas, the back and others are introduced to high intensity blue light. There are some bacteria that grow under the skin and feed on the presence of oil in the clogged pores. This leads to swelling and redness and, finally, results in large painful acne. In the blue light treatment, these bacteria are killed thereby hindering the growth of annoying acne.

Acne treatments are light blue, without harmful side effects. The reason behind this is that the treatment makes use of visible light, which contains no ultraviolet rays can damage your skin. However, when subjected to this treatment, you should wear proper eye protection.
Blue light treatment for acne can manage mild to moderate acne conditions. However, it is not effective in the case of all acne sufferers. Light therapy treats your skin gently and naturally eliminates painful boils and pimples.

For a faster recovery from acne, some specialists recommend the application of red light with high intensity blue light therapy. This race to heal the skin and reduces all plausible effects of acne. Sometimes, a weak acid known as ALA is applied to the skin before the blue light therapy. ALA helps in making the skin highly sensitive to light and this will accelerate the rate of treatment of acne. Besides this, they can take appropriate antibiotics to cure acne condition.

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